Project Setup

1. Backup Your Project

It is important to know that this WILL destroy a lot of your project settings if you're not careful. So backup your project to an another location in case something goes really wrong.

2. Convert Invector Scripts

Open the new menu Easy Invector Multiplayer and select Open Navigator. Everything this package has to offer will be available here. You will be forced to first click the Convert Invector Scripts button. This will do all the required invector script conversion for you. Just follow what the help boxes tell you to do.

Important Note: This breaks the vSimpleDoor and vShooterWeapon component settings. I save those and attempt to re-apply those settings after the scripts are converted and compiled. If for any reason someting goes wrong you can find your components original settings in the CBGames/EasyMultiplayer-Invector/Shooter/Editor/SavedContents/ directory as various json files. In those files it will tell you the full path to the prefab that was converted.

3. Import

After the scripts have been converted there will be a new option available to you. This will import the rest of the multiplayer project for you.